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to the Culinary Arts Web Ring Homepage

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If your web site contains recipes, cooking tips and/or links to culinary resources, you qualify to join this web ring. You do not have to be a professional chef to join. The web ring graphic must be inserted on the page of your site that deals with culinary arts.

You must save the graphics to your own server and copy and paste the ring code to your page, it doesn't have to be on the main page but must be the page you list here.

Here are the two graphics to save to your own server:

Prfch002.jpg (1947 bytes)   Fodvf221.jpg (2164 bytes)

***Attention WebTV users!!!***

Do NOT link directly to these images. Do NOT copy and paste. If you need help learning the proper way to use images on your website, please see this page:

Help for WEBTV users

Once you have applied to join the ring, an email will be sent to you with your html fragment to apply to your page. Applying does NOT automatically insert your pages into the ring. You must first do two things:

  • Insert the html fragment and images you saved to your hard drive on your pages.

  • E-mail the Ring Mistress to let me know you have inserted the html fragment. Include your site ID and URL so I can check for accuracy.

Remember, filling out this form only adds you to the queue, you must first have the html fragment up and running on your page before you will be added to the
ring. Sites only stay in the queue for 7 days before they are deleted, so please add the fragment within that time. If you are deleted, it doesn't mean you can't join; it only means you need to reapply.

The ring should look like the one below when you're finished. Your code will not work until I've added you to the ring.

Fill out the form below to submit your site. You will be sent an email of confirmation with the
HTML FRAGMENT and instructions. Make sure you save your site ID and remember your password; you will need these to edit your site information in the future.

~ Thanks for joining! ~

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Submit site to Culinary Arts
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

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Good luck and thanks to all you culinarily-inclined people for making this web ring a success!
~nose kisses and belly rubs~
wompuss (Ring Mistress)

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If you need any help setting up the html on your page, please e-mail the Ring Mistress.

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