Snow Globes Juicey taught me how to make snow globes using Paint Shop Pro. This is my first snow globe. Thank you, Juicey. You're da BES! The base for this globe is from Ivy's Graphics. The kitty tube is from Rhonnie's Stuff. The sparkle tube is from Kandy'z Flares-n-Stuff. The talent to make the snow globe is pure Juicey. Please do not steal this globe. It's special, because it's my first. Feel free to take any of the globes on the next pages. A link back would be appreciated. See my Snow Globe Tutorials page for links to web tutorials to make your own or e-mail me if you want a custom globe made. Snow globes on the following pages are very slow loading, depending on your computer and internet connection speed. Please be patient to see the animated globe. Should the animation not appear, right click and choose "view image" to reload the animation. [About Me]
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