My other "presences" on
the WWW:
Juicey's "presences" on
the WWW:
My Canuckified Redneck Tech Buddy,
CharlieJack. He really has a beautiful web site that reflects his beautiful spirit. Check
it out!
Teri, Sammy and the twins invite you to get
to know the family. Teri is a fellow Redneck Techie and plays a mean game of hearts. Sammy
plays, too.
Shadow Spirit ~ A dear friend whose tripod
web I designed. See her Indian pottery here and follow her links to friends on the net.
Nannybops ~ Another dear friend whose
tripod web I designed. Read her poetry, meet her family and read the story of her parents'
meeting and marriage.
SiTheo ~ By whatever name she
goes, this gal is an original! I'm proud to say I know her in real life and she always
makes me smile. Visit her pages for uplifting thoughts, words and poetry. Thank you,
Bammers, for always coming through for me.
Mac Pride ~ SiTheo's Mac Pod
Poderator pages. Lots of cool Mac information here.
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