magdeburgbul.gif (2089 bytes) GRAPHICSmagdeburgbul.gif (2089 bytes)

boat.jpg (22055 bytes)

Yeah, I know it's a sue me...~L~

La Juenne Femme en Bateau by James Tissot (1836-1902)

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Thank you, CharlieJack, for this graphic.

Please visit my snowglobe pages. Juicey taught me how to make these with Paint Shop Pro. Together, there's nothing we can't accomplish. Thank you, Juicey.

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spoolkits.jpg (10094 bytes)  bedpus (33266 bytes)  blkbdpus (24296 bytes)   mailpuss (27948 bytes)

frenpuss (29979 bytes)  nitepus (14256 bytes)   pchtuxgr (23637 bytes)   pdrpus (16678 bytes)

readpus (30940 bytes)  whitewin (27475 bytes)

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